
You need training. Now What?

Common Training for Adults


Click Create Account and provide your information to create your personal account.

One logged in, click the image on the main screen to take the Youth Protection Training in English or Spanish.

Youth Protection Training


This will redirect you to the BSA Learning Center Website. Use the same credentials you just created to take the YPT training.


Use your favorite browser to go to URL:

By default, your UserID will be your first name, then a period, then last name. 

Your Password was emailed to you.  If you forgot it, click the "Forgot Password" link in the upper left corner.

Change my password

Click My Account in the upper right corner, provide your old password, then a new one of your choice.


Click Logout in the upper right corner.

View the troop calendar

Click on Activities and then Activity Calendar. Double-click on any calendar entry to see details. If you use Outlook, Google or another online calendar, you can choose Subscribe to Calendar and copy the subscription information to your preferred calendar tool.

Sign up for an outing

Outings that require sign-up will normally be emailed with a link to RSVP online.

To sign up from the website, double-click on the activity in the calendar to view its details. 

Then click the Registration tab and Click Here To Register For This Event.

You can use links at bottom to RSVP for your Scout, too.

Update your/Scout’s contact info

Choose either Adult Management or Scout Management:

Click on the View button and click a section.  Click Edit.

Please note that you cannot update medical information because we need to have paper forms submitted.

Also, please do NOT use the parent email address for the Scout email address. If you wish for your scout to receive emails from the troop, provide his email address on his screen; otherwise leave it blank.  The same is true for cell phone number: the one entered into the Scout’s info screen needs to be the Scout’s cell phone (not normally needed).

A word about online communications:

BSA’s Two-Deep Leadership policy still applies for online communications.  When necessary to email a scout, adults in the troop shall always copy the scout’s parent  and a trained leader.  Same applies to text messages!

Review rank progress

Choose Advancement and click on the View button next to your Scout's name.

To see the remaining requirements for an upcoming rank, click on that  rank badge.

View merit badge progress

From the Advacement panel, click on the Merit Badge sections to view Completed or Partial Merit Badge progress. Progress toward other awards is also tracked here. 

To read descriptions of the MB requirements, click on the blue headers.

Find a merit badge counselor

To find a counselor for a particular merit badge, choose the Reports menu, then Merit Badge Counselors and Grouped by Badge.

Select the desired merit badges,

then click Generate Report in the upper right corner.

Remember that when your Scout is emailing or texting an adult, he should copy you and another adult leader in the troop.  Two-deep leadership keeps everyone safe and on-topic.

Print reports: Activities

Troop Master can generate all sorts of scout-related reports.  This section describes the most common / useful reports for a scout and/or parent.

Activities —> Individual Participation

This report not only lists each event your Scout has attended but also counts the service hours, camping nights, and hiking miles.

Print reports: Advancement

If you would like to print the advancement progress that is visible from the Advancement menu, you can generate a report.

Advancement -> Individual Progress

Individual Advancement Report

Print reports - Roster

View or print the troop contact information, leadership positions, and patrol assignments.

Scout/Unit General  —> Unit Roster

Print reports - Eagle Assistance

Some of the information required for the Eagle rank is readily provided via TroopMaster reports.

Advancement -> Eagle Application Assistance

Download/submit service hours form

Documents specific to Troop 16 are now stored in TroopMaster.  This includes the service hours form. Click Unit, then Unit Documents to view available downloads.

Remind your scout to turn in those service hour forms at a troop meeting or scan & email to [email protected]

Setup and confirm email

Leaders, parents, and scouts all have the ability to send emails to the entire troop.

Before sending an email, you must first confirm your email address.  You only need to do the steps below once.

Choose Email then Email Settings. Confirm or update your From Address and your Email Address.  Click Save Settings.

Now choose Email  ->  Email.

The first time you attempt to send email, you will see the confirmation page below:

Email Confirmation

Click the Confirm button. And then click OK. Check the email account indicated and click its link to confirm receipt. 

Send an email to the troop

Once you have completed the previous setup steps, you can send emails to our troop email addresses.

Please keep in mind that the troop email system is to be used only for troop communications and not for personal business.

Also, be sure to follow the BSA policy regarding two-deep leadership - when necessary to email a scout personally, adults in the troop shall always copy the
scout’s parent and a trained leader.

For more information on BSA policies and practices that ensure your Scout’s safety, take Youth Protection Training


Login using your credentials, or click Create Account and provide your information to create your personal account.

One logged in, click the My Training icon on the main screen

My Training

Then, select Scouts BSA under the Training Courses by Program section. 

Training Courses by Program

Select the course appropriate to the training you need to be further involved in your son's Scouting adventure. 

BSA Policy

Adult Registration

All adults staying overnight in connection with a Troop activity must be currently registered with BSA.

Reach Out

Can't find what you are looking for? Send us a message.
Troop 16 Logo
Affiliated Organization

Epworth United Methodist Church
4340 Arno Road
Franklin, TN 37064

Copyright © 2024 Troop 16, All rights reserved.